Before We Start…

Important: The WhatsApp number integrated with Visito can only be used by Visito. Due to WhatsApp API’s policies, once a number is connected to Visito, it can’t be simultaniously used on WhatsApp app. You can use Visito’s iOS and Android apps to manage messages.

If Your Phone Number Is Not Currently Used on WhatsApp:

Steps to Connect Your SIM Number to Visito:

  1. Log in to your Visito account: Visito Login.

    Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 11.46.52 a.m..png

  2. Go to the Channels page.

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  3. Click “Request support to connect WhatsApp.” A member of the Visito Team will assist with the setup. Make sure your SIM card is active in a device, as you'll receive a verification code to connect WhatsApp to Visito.

If Your Phone Number Is Already in Use on WhatsApp:

You have two options:

Option 1: Delete Your WhatsApp Account

Note: Deleting your WhatsApp account will erase all contacts, chats, and groups, and you won’t be able to recover them.

  1. Open WhatsApp.

  2. Go to Settings > Account > Delete My Account.

  3. Once deleted, your number will be available for Visito integration.

  4. Log in to your Visito account: Visito Login.

    Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 11.46.52 a.m..png

  5. Go to the Channels page.

    Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 12.58.18 p.m..png

  6. Click “Request support to connect WhatsApp.” A member of the Visito Team will assist with the setup. Ensure your SIM card is active in a device to receive the verification code.

Option 2: Update Your SIM Number for WhatsApp Integration

Note: This option lets you keep your WhatsApp data while connecting a new SIM number for Visito.

  1. Get a New SIM Card: Find where to purchase one in your country by checking the Chips By Country page.

  2. Back up your WhatsApp data:

  3. Switch to your new SIM number:

  4. Log in to your Visito account: **Visito Login.**

    Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 11.46.52 a.m..png

  5. Go to the Channels page.

    Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 12.58.18 p.m..png

  6. Click “Request support to connect WhatsApp.” A member of the Visito Team will assist with the setup. Make sure your SIM card is active in a device, as you'll receive a verification code.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How to Integrate WhatsApp into Your WordPress Site

Why Can’t I Send a “New Conversation” Message?

SIMs By Country

📪  Why Is My Contact Not Receiving Messages Sent from WhatsApp?

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